Spirit Week Middle/Lower School: Valentine's Colors ( white, purple, pink or red) - click on events for details
Please note that students MUST follow these dress norms if they choose to participate.
- Clothing must meet the basic dress code standards for skirt, shorts, dress length. No sleeveless tops.
- Shirts/tops/pants/shorts must cover the stomach, and back.
- Shoes– students must wear closed toed shoes (no crocs, clippers, flip flops, athletic sandals, etc)
- Leggings must be worn under shorts, dresses, skirts. Leggings are not acceptable as the only item of clothing on the bottom.
- Jeans are permitted. Please note that there should be no rips or tears
- If students do not want to participate in Spirit Week, they don’t have to. Regular dress (polo and khakis) may be worn instead.