Event Details

Grade-Level 3 Chat with Dr. Hovenic and Ms. Dolan Subscribe to Alerts
E.L. Wiegand Student Activity Center, Clemetson Lounge

Grade-Level Chats with Dr. Hovenic and Ms. Dolan:

Dr. Hovenic and Ms. Dolan invite you to an informal opportunity to meet with other grade-level parents and discuss grade-level interests. These morning meetings at 8:15 in the Wiegand offer an opportunity to ask questions, share feedback, and have coffee while enjoying the company of other parents in your child's grade. There is no need to RSVP - join us if you can! 

Athletics Event

Upcoming Events

Grade-Level 5 Chat with Dr. Hovenic and Ms. Dolan
E.L. Wiegand Student Activity Center, Clemetson Lounge
Grade-Level 12 Chat with Dr. Hovenic and Ms. Dolan
E.L. Wiegand Student Activity Center, Clemetson Lounge
Parent Association General Meeting
E.L. Wiegand Student Activity Center, Clemetson Lounge
End of Q2
Grade-Level 3 Chat with Dr. Hovenic and Ms. Dolan
E.L. Wiegand Student Activity Center, Clemetson Lounge