Scorpions Sandhu '25 and Cotton '27 Bring the Sting to National Debate Tournament

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Scorpions Sandhu '25 and Cotton '27 Bring the Sting to National Debate Tournament
John Sloyan & Robbie Adler
Sage Ridge students Mallory Cotton and Nanki Sandhu at the 2024 National Debate Tournament

Scorpion Debaters Nanki Sandhu '25 and Mallory Cotton '27 started their summer vacation late this year as they qualified for the National Speech & Debate Association 2024 National Tournament in Des Moines, Iowa in June. The two proudly represented Sage Ridge and earned multiple winning ballots in their respective events. Great work!

Sandhu, fresh off her first-place finish at the Sagebrush District Tournament, won four ballots in the Lincoln-Douglas debate. Her judges were impressed with her ability to "stack evidence" behind her contentions. One judge gushed: "I absolutely loved your questions in cross-ex as you exposed some very weak points in your opponent's case." Another judge remarked that her "explanation of voters was very clear, concise, and compelling—great work here." Well done!

Cotton, in just her first year in debate, surprised some older competitors as she pulled two ballots in the tournament. Explaining why Mallory won her round, a judge extolled her "consistent rebuttals of AFF's contentions" and the fact that she "advanced a convincing premise." Another judge happily noted, "You seemed very relaxed and appeared to be having fun." Such poise in a 9th grader is impressive—nice job!

These two will be tough to beat in the upcoming debate season. If any Sage Ridge student in grades 9-12 would like to join them, please consider joining our Speech & Debate Elective this fall. 

Yours in the Cause!

Coaches Sloyan & Adler

Sage Ridge students Mallory Cotton and Nanki Sandhu at the 2024 National Debate Tournament

Sage Ridge students Mallory Cotton '27 (left) and Nanki Sandhu '25 at the National Speech & Debate Association 2024 National Debate Tournament in Des Moines, Iowa.