Student Work: Capillary Action Videos

  • Academics
Student Work: Capillary Action Videos
Jess Thibault

During Scorpion School, everyone is getting creative with their virtual tools, including science class!

The following videos were created by grade 7 students as a chapter end assessment. Students were given the option of writing a paragraph, creating a video, a poster, or slide show to show their understanding of the properties of water. 


  • Claim:  statement about water and it's amazing properties that make life possible.
  • Evidence:  description of water' unique structure and how this creates the ONE amazing property
  • Reasoning:  link between the property and survival of life on Earth.  This is the key piece- why do these properties contribute to supporting life?  

Nanki Sandu

Robbie Schader 


  • Science
  • Student Work
  • science lab