Taking a Deep Breath

  • Head's Note
Taking a Deep Breath
Tobin Bechtel

There is no denying that these are tumultuous times. And there are many adages about making it through times like these, for instance:

  • Seek to act with grace under pressure
  • It’s not the load that breaks us, it’s how we carry it
  • vincit qui patitur - he prevails who is patient

I am sure you could add a few from your own experience and cultural traditions. I find it heartening to use phrases like these almost as a mantra - to remind myself that no matter what is going on around me that I have the power to pause, to reflect, to shift my perception. Even with circumstances changing literally by the hour it is so important to frame our experience, to learn from what we are going through. And as my grandmother always reminded me, “Don’t complain about things you’re not willing to change.”

Taking a deep breath, shifting the load, and belief in the power of patience underpins my belief in a positive future. We are developing new schedules and systems to ensure a safe campus for this August. We are preparing for a yearlong partnership with Challenge Success, a leading edge organization affiliated with Stanford University. We are adapting our athletics for Fall success above and beyond state guidelines. We have had many new applications for this Fall as word has spread about the success of Scorpion School and the strength of our community. Sage Ridge embodies grace under pressure and will thrive despite any tumultuous times.