Emerson College
Thesis: Rainbows and Rhetoric: Facilitating Inclusivity and Acceptance in Secondary Education
Internship: Washoe County Library System
Office: Honor Council
High Honors Diploma
Enrolled at SRS since 2016
Thesis: Rainbows and Rhetoric: Facilitating Inclusivity and Acceptance in Secondary Education
Internship: Washoe County Library System
Office: Honor Council
High Honors Diploma
Enrolled at SRS since 2016
Thesis: Shaking Off The Patriarchy: The Feared Power of Taylor Swift
Internship: The Baobab Press
Office: Student Government President
Honors Diploma
Enrolled at SRS since 2016
Thesis: Why AGI is Not Near Emergence: Limitations in Current AI Methods
Internship: University of Nevada, Reno Department of Computer Science and Engineering
High Honors Diploma
Enrolled at SRS since 2020
Thesis: The Impact of Incarceration on Women’s Mental Health
Internship: The Domestic Violence Resource Center
Enrolled at SRS since 2019
Thesis: How We Could Safely Raise Speed Limits on American Highways
Internship: Your Main Lab
Enrolled at SRS since 2019
Thesis: Religious Walls: Religious Mistreatment of the LGBTQ Community in the U.S.
Internship: Nicole Ashton Art
Office: Prefecture
Enrolled at SRS since 2016
Thesis: The Electric Age: The Future of the Car Industry
Internship: Reno Orthopedic Center
Office: Honor Council
Honors Diploma
Enrolled at SRS since 2019
Thesis: Creatine: A Misunderstood Supplement
Internship: High Sierra Area Health Education Center
Office: Student Government Vice President
Honors Diploma
Enrolled at SRS since 2018
Thesis: Horror in Unexpected Places: The Impact of Jewish Culture on Stanley Kubrick’s Films
Internship: Tall Pinze
Enrolled at SRS since 2016
Thesis: EMDR: The Best Treatment For Childhood Trauma and PTSD
Internship: Reno Psychiatric Associates
Office: Prefecture
Honors Diploma
Enrolled at SRS since 2020
Thesis: Is 3D Reconstruction a Revolutionary Tool?: Analysis of Current Impacts and Future Trends
Internship: University of Nevada, Reno Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Enrolled at SRS since 2020
Thesis: Graphene’s Performance as Bulletproof Material
Internship: Elegant Avenue Interior Designs
Enrolled at SRS since 2021
Sage Ridge School graduates global citizens who demonstrate
Critical thinking and innovative problem-solving
Compassion and empathy for people, ideas, and diversity
Commitment to ethical behavior and service to others
Self-awareness, leadership, and compassion
Cultivating relationships through scholarship, respect, integrity and courage